Regional events set for million-dollar boost

The South Australian Government is putting regional jobs first, thanks to an additional $1 million in regional event funding – set to spur new and innovative regional events and to grow existing events right across the state.
Premier Steven Marshall today announced the 50 per cent boost in funding to the South Australian Tourism Commission's Regional Event Fund at Paracombe Wines in the Adelaide Hills – one of the participating venues in the Adelaide Hills’ iconic food and wine celebration, Crush Festival, an event funded by under the Fund.
“We are putting our money where our mouth is when it comes to creating jobs and boosting regional tourism,” Premier Marshall said.
“This expanded regional event fund is in direct response to what regional communities need as they recover from the impacts of COVID-19 – boosting spending and jobs right across our great state.
“With the latest data showing 48 cents in every tourism dollar is spent in our regions, regional tourism is playing a key role in the recovery of our state’s visitor economy.
“This million-dollar boost for regional events aims to keep that momentum going well into 2021 and beyond and is exactly what the industry has told us they need to attract more visitors across more events throughout the entire year, and importantly – get more people into work.”
“Events currently funded under the Fund include the Bay to Birdwood in the Adelaide Hills, Coonawarra Cabernet Celebrations in the Limestone Coast, the state-wide SALA Festival, and of course the fantastic Crush Festival – where I am today,” Premier Marshall said.
The 2021-22 Regional Event Fund has four categories:
- Significant Event Funding (from $50,000) – up to three years’ funding for new large-scale signature events that have the potential to be nationally or internationally significant and which provide substantial visitation, media and profiling opportunities and economic impact for South Australia.
- Established Event Funding ($20,000 to $50,000) – up to three years’ funding for events that can demonstrate a strong track record of growth and a strategy for event innovation
- Development Event Funding ($10,000 to $20,000)– up to three years’ funding for events that demonstrate potential for growth and development
- Emerging Event Funding ($5,000 to $10,000) – up to two years’ funding for events that are 1-3 years young, with a focus on smaller community events.
Applications to the Significant Event Funding category will be accepted year-round, with funding available from 1 July 2021. All other categories will have two intake rounds, with round one opening Sunday 24 January and round two opening in August 2021. The funding rounds in 2021/22 will support events held from 1 September 2021 to 30 August 2022.
The new and improved Regional Event Fund also covers a range of funding uses such as the engagement of short-term specialised personnel, hire of temporary infrastructure, strategic plan development and marketing costs.
The South Australian Tourism Commission, through Events South Australia, has worked with regional event organisers through the pandemic to help get their events back on the calendar and help them navigate how to host COVID-safe events. The expanded Fund directly meets the needs identified by regional event organisers to further support their recovery, and offer greater opportunity for them to host world-class events.
For criteria and funding guidelines, see the Regional Event Fund page on our website.