Events South Australia’s Acquisition and Development team is responsible for securing, supporting and developing new major and regional events for South Australia.
Events South Australia’s Acquisition and Development team is responsible for securing, supporting and developing new major and regional events for South Australia.
Events are significant driver for the state’s economy, generating $565 million in tourism expenditure in the year to September 2024.
Expanding the calendar
A strategic approach is taken when developing the state’s event calendar, seeking to complement the core listing of recurring events by securing additional events to ensure a balance of activity across the year.
We focus on events that generate significant benefits for the state, align with the South Australian Visitor Economy Sector Plan 2030, contribute to South Australia’s brand position, drive visitation from national and international markets and utilise government investment in infrastructure. Consideration is also given to how an event could integrate with the activities of other government agencies.
Events that align with the State’s event strengths are prioritised, as are events in quieter visitor months of the year such as winter.
Further information on the funding and support we provide is below.
Event funding
Events South Australia provides sponsorship to leisure events during the year through funding programs such as the Regional Event Fund and the Major Events Fund.
Industry support
We work closely with industry through our funding programs, communication with regional tourism managers and workshops offered to support emerging events and develop existing community events. Industry support documents are updated regularly.