We are committed to transparency and update this page with details including our Gift Register, Overseas Travel and Freedom of Information Statement. 

  • Freedom of information
  • Public interest disclosure
  • Capital works
  • Gift register

Freedom of information

If you have a Freedom of Information request for us, our Freedom of Information Statement outlines the steps to take.


Overseas Travel Reports

Details published in the overseas travel reports are correct at the date approved for publication. Figures may be rounded and have not been audited.

Overseas Travel - April 2024

Overseas Travel - February-March 2024

Overseas Travel - October 2023

Overseas Travel - September 2023

Overseas Travel - July 2023

Overseas Travel - June 2023

Overseas Travel - May 2023

Overseas Travel - March 2023

Overseas Travel - January 2023

Overseas Travel - December 2022

Overseas Travel - November 2022

Overseas Travel - October 2022

Overseas Travel - September 2022

Overseas Travel - August 2022

Overseas Travel - July 2022

Overseas Travel - April 2022

Overseas Travel - February 2020

Overseas Travel (USA) - January 2020

Overseas Travel - January 2020

Previously published Overseas Travel Reports can be requested via email to [email protected]