Our corporate plan outlines our role in driving tourism growth overall as we work towards our 2030 goal: $12.8 billion in visitor spend, generating 52,000 jobs.
Corporate Plan

SATC Corporate Plan 2023-2026
Released: 2023
Our Corporate Plan outlines the role of the SATC over the next three years to drive tourism growth. It draws from the insights, economic outlook and direction described in the South Australian Tourism Plan 2030 and describes the practical actions of the SATC to achieve the vision in the plan.
We will make a difference so South Australia thrives by achieving our bold ambition for 2030: growing the visitor economy to $12.8 billion, generating 52,000 jobs.
Action Plans

South Australian Tourism Commission International Tourism Strategy 2025
Focus: International Tourism in South Australia
Released: 2022
International visitation is a vital component of South Australia’s visitor economy. Worth a record $1.2 billion pre-COVID, the loss of international tourists for nearly two years was felt keenly across our sector.
The SATC has set a challenging target: reclaim South Australia's once $1.2 billion international market by December 2025.
This plan identifies the key global markets the SATC will focus on and the marketing activities to be undertaken to attract international visitors, particularly the High Value Traveller and Working Holiday Makers.