Tourism Industry Restart Conference

The Tourism Industry Council South Australia (TiCSA) will host the Tourism Industry Restart Conference on Monday 2 November, the first state-wide industry event since COVID restrictions.
The conference aims to boost business confidence following an extraordinarily difficult year of bushfires, drought and the COVID-19 pandemic.
The full-day program features a line-up of speakers including award-winning social analyst Mark McCrindle, nationally acclaimed finance and economics expert Michael Pascoe, and author of Rising from the Flood: Moving the Town of Grantham, Jamie Simmonds.
Local tourism operators – Craig Wickham of Exceptional Kangaroo Island, Simon Burley of Coast & Co, and Michelle Hocking of the Royal Adelaide Show – will feature in a panel discussion to share practical insights on innovation and product diversification.
Tourism Industry Council South Australia (TiCSA) Chief Executive Officer, Shaun de Bruyn said a Restart Conference is just what the industry needs to reset and restore confidence.
“Our tourism industry has endured the most challenging year to date, so it is fantastic that through technology we can provide new opportunities for operators around the state to engage and advance their capabiltiies,” said Mr de Bruyn.
“The Restart Conference will foster collaboration, innovation and resilience to ensure sustainable industry growth for the future.”
Premier Steven Marshall, who will be opening the conference virtually, said tourism is a key contributor to the state’s post pandemic recovery and commended the work of South Australia’s 18,000 tourism businesses.
“South Australia was the first state to open up and encourage regional travel during the coronavirus pandemic and I thank our 18,000 tourism businesses for how they have handled these challenging times.
“The visitor economy is a driver of jobs and growth in our state and will continue to play a critical role in South Australia’s post COVID revival.”
Principal sponsor and South Australian Tourism Commission chief executive Rodney Harrex said the conference is an opportunity for the industry to come together in what’s been an extraordinarily difficult year.
“Tourism has seen one of the most severe contractions on record, and the SATC remains committed to listening to operators and responding to their needs,” said Mr Harrex.
“From online roundtable discussions and upskilling programs during COVID lockdown, to meeting with tourism businesses across the state and holding workshops in region, we’ve been on the ground talking with operators to help plan the path forward.
“This conference can continue on that momentum, as well as be a chance to celebrate the positive steps we’ve taken as an industry so far, towards reclaiming the record-high $8.1 billion at the end of last year.”
Rodney Harrex will be presenting at the Tourism Industry Restart Conference to provide an update about the SATC’s recovery plans.
For details, including the full program and ticket information, head to