State Budget handed down | Working holiday makers arrive | Renmark lights up

Tourism in South Australia is in the early stages of recovery, following the extended impacts of COVID on travel.
The State Budget provides the South Australian Tourism Commission with additional financial support to continue our work on marketing SA to our key markets, and ensure we are able to work with the sector to build capacity, grow our tourism offerings and create more jobs across the state, with the aim of returning to our once record high $8.1 Billion visitor economy.
In short:
- A $45 million boost to tourism marketing, to increase interstate and international marketing effort and promote the state as a visitor destination as tourists begin travelling again
- $2 million over four years to support the promotion of nature-based tourism activities in South Australia
- $1.6 million over four years for TiCSA to provide industry capability training
- $40 million for a Major Events Fund under the Department of Premier and Cabinet to fund new events and grow existing owned and managed events, and additional funding for the Adelaide Fringe, the return of the Adelaide 500 and the Adelaide Motorsport Festival.
For more information, go to
This week, we also welcomed a new federal tourism minister – with Senator the Honourable Don Farrell sworn in as Australia’s Minister for Trade and Tourism and Special Minister of State. Minister Farrell has previous experience in this portfolio and as a South Australian Senator, he has strong connections with our state and local insights into the issues facing our tourism sector.
Today, our state’s new wintertime festival lights up its regional program. The first of three installations of Illuminate Adelaide across regional SA launches tonight in the Riverland’s Renmark. I am headed to the launch and look forward to seeing the benefits of this major event extended to regional communities.
Read on for details and other updates.
Rodney Harrex
Chief Executive
Read the full Industry Update - 3 June 2022