Recovery support for flood-affected businesses | Major events kick off 2023

Further disaster assistance for communities impacted by Murray River flooding has today been announced by the Federal and State Governments.
The additional $126.25 million support package includes grants for businesses to assist them to get ‘back to business’.
Among the suite of assistance, the Small Business Recovery Grants will offer up to $50,000 for eligible small businesses to assist with reinstatement and clean-up of the small business and repair flood-damaged assets.
The nine Local Government Areas eligible for funding are Alexandrina Council, Berri Barmera Council, Coorong District Council, District Council of Karoonda East Murray, District Council of Loxton Waikerie, Mid Murray Council, Murray Bridge Council, Pastoral Unincorporated Area, and Renmark Paringa Council.
These latest grants are in addition to the Small Business Industry Support Grants announced by the State Government shortly after Christmas.
For details of the support available and how to apply, please see
While we are keeping an active watch on the flood situation, and planning ahead for a major marketing campaign for our river regions as part of the recovery effort, the SATC is also kicking off a packed events calendar for 2023.
With the Adelaide International tennis event underway at The Drive, and the Santos Tour Down Under rolling into town next week, it’s promising to be a busy January.
I look forward to welcoming incoming chief executive Emma Terry into the office next week, and to introducing her to our SATC team – and the industry more broadly – over coming weeks and months.
Stephanie Rozokos
Chief Executive