More support for small businesses in River Murray communities

Grants will be available for small businesses in River Murray communities which have experienced an economic downturn as a result of the floods.
Announced this morning by Premier Peter Malinauskas, the State Government will offer $10,000 grants to small businesses, farm enterprises and not-for profit organisations in River Murray communities to help them trade through challenging economic circumstances caused by the floods.
The Small Business Industry Support Grants will be available in nine River Murray Local Government Areas and will be payable to businesses with fewer than 30 full-time employees.
To be eligible, a business must demonstrate a revenue decline of 30 per cent or more over a relevant three-month period.
The Small Business Industry Support Grants will be available to those businesses who have not been approved for, or received, the Early Business Closure Grant.
More information on the grants, including the application form, will be available at
Business owners can also seek information on the grants at the Emergency Relief Centres in Berri, Mannum or in Murray Bridge (due to open January 5) or by calling the Office for Small & Family Business Infoline on 8429 3801.
The increase in support for businesses affected by the flooding came as we also heard today that there has now been three consecutive days where the flow rate at the border has actually now declined – which suggests the peak has passed the border.
For more information about river flow, please again refer to
We will continue to provide updates as they become available.
Stephanie Rozokos
Chief Executive
View the Industry Update - 27 December 2022.