FOMO Fridays to activate Adelaide’s CBD

A State Budget measure to deliver the FOMO Friday program has launched today as the Winterpalooza East End Street Party kicks off from this afternoon.
Today’s street party, presented by the South Australian Tourism Commission, is part of the plan to activate the CBD to further inject visitation and expenditure into Adelaide’s economy.
The FOMO Fridays program will activate Adelaide every Friday in September – encouraging people to spend more time and dollars in the CBD.
Live music, fire pits, street closures, street parties and other incentives will be delivered in partnership by the Adelaide City Council, SATC, Property Council of SA, local building owners and traders.
Since the beginning of the COVID-19 outbreak, many city workers have been working from home, leading to a decrease in foot traffic and trade in CBD businesses.
Travel and border restrictions have meant there are fewer interstate travellers flying into Adelaide and spending in the CBD, while regional SA has been booming with increased intrastate tourism.
South Australian Tourism Commission chief executive Rodney Harrex said CBD operators had been hit particularly hard and targeted stimulus like this and the SATC’s voucher scheme is just what they need.
“We’ve seen record-breaking regional tourism rates which has been sensational for so many businesses in our visitor economy, but we know the CBD needs targeted support,” he said.
“That’s why we rolled out a fourth round of Great State Vouchers, why we recently hosted a weekend-long wine event in Peel and Leigh Streets, and why we’re holding the Winterpalooza street party in Adelaide’s East End later today.
“We’re continually looking at the data and talking with tourism businesses to determine where support is needed, and we look forward to working with the City of Adelaide and CBD operators to drive people and dollars into Australia’s most liveable city.”
Lord Mayor Sandy Verschoor welcomed the announcement.
“Adelaide was recently crowned Australia’s most liveable city and we should celebrate! With our brilliant festivals, live performances, sport, arts and culture all going ahead safely and our bars and restaurants open for business, it’s time for everyone to come back to the CBD," she said.
FOMO Fridays adds to the city rejuvenation initiatives such as the Great State Vouchers and Illuminate Adelaide, which kicks off in July.
Details of Winterpalooza East End Street Party: